In Jewish thought, a name is not merely an arbitrary designation, a random combination of sounds. The name conveys the nature and essence of the thing named. It represents the history and reputation of the being named. You can see this in there names although scripture , so God took His name and did the same to show us how complete He is.
This is not as strange or unfamiliar a concept as it may seem at first glance. In English, we often refer to a person's reputation as his "good name." When a company is sold, one thing that may be sold is the company's "good will," that is, the right to use the company's name. The Hebrew concept of a name is very similar to these ideas.
JEHOVAH-JIREH: "The Lord will Provide." Gen. 22:14.
JEHOVAH-ROPHE: "The Lord Who Heals" Ex. 15:22-26.
JEHOVAH-NISSI: "The Lord Our Banner." Ex. 17:15..
JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH: "The Lord Who Sanctifies" Lev. 20:8
JEHOVAH-SHALOM: "The Lord Our Peace" Judges 6:24.
JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU: "The Lord Our Righteousness" Jer. 23:5,
JEHOVAH-ROHI: "The Lord Our Shepherd" Psa. 23,
JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH: "The Lord is There" (Ezek. 8:35)
JEHOVAH-SABAOTH: "The Lord of Hosts". Isa. 1:24;
Are you weak in faith? Do you sometimes find yourself flagging? Do you sometimes wonder whether the life of faith is worth it? Jesus knows you. He knows your temperament, your tendencies and your circumstances. He can help you completely in that weakness , but do we trust Him. Do we believe in His name as the foundation of our life.
God, who sees the heart, is not looking at outward performance; he knows what is going on. He knows the selfishness, the greed, the grasping, the self-centeredness, the ruthlessness with which we cut people out and harm those we profess to love. He sees all the maneuvering and manipulating, the clever arranging that goes on in our lives and in our hearts.
Therefore, to his purposes, that beautiful performance is utterly invalid, worthless, to God. That is why the sense of righteousness that results from our performance before men never lasts. It is but a temporary shot in the arm that we need to repeat again and again, almost as though we were addicted to it. But it will always let us down in the hour of crisis. It is only the righteousness that comes from God that is lasting and will work -- not only in time, but for all eternity.
God said that He will give us new names , I believe that He will do that because we will be more like His Son. You see my name would never fit in heaven if it wasn’t for the Cross. I will trust in His name .
Proverbs 3:5-7
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.