Friday, December 16, 2005


One of the titles given to Daniel was Rab-mag, the Chief of the Magi. His unusual career included being a principal administrator in two world empires-the Babylonian and the subsequent Persian Empire. When Darius appointed him, a Jew, over the previously hereditary Median priesthood, the resulting repercussions led to the plots involving the ordeal of the lion's den.

Daniel apparently entrusted a Messianic vision (to be announced in due time by a "star") to a secret sect of the Magi for its eventual fulfillment. But first let's review some historical background. This is based upon the facts that we have concerning the Babylonians. They had apparently studied the night's sky to a most excellent degree. Their meticulous research and extensive records of astronomical phenomenon were unmatched in the western world.

Jewish influence in Babylon due to the large numbers of Jews who stayed in Babylon after the Exile in the 6th Century BC. Babylon was in a unique position then of having well informed Magi, both of astronomical events and Jewish Messianic expectations. In addition the book of Daniel frequently mentions Magi in the Babylonian Court. (Daniel 1:20, 2:2, 4:1, 4:9, 5:11) It is strange therefore that it seems to have the backing of most modern scholars. Many of them take it as established fact that the Magi were Babylonian.

What do you think?


At 3:13 PM, Blogger Kc said...

It would seem there might be reason for doubt.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger mark pierson said...

I think the Magi were from Toledo!

At 7:11 AM, Blogger forgiven said...

Thank kc

Do you have any input?
iron sharpens iron

God Bless

At 7:13 AM, Blogger forgiven said...

Mark ... I would of never thought of that

Magi Mudders

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Kc said...

No iron here I'm afraid. I've become skeptical of history over the years and even more skeptical of historians. What I could find from historians on the Magi leads me to believe they are quite uncertain themselves by virtue of the way they insist they are correct. (grin)

When I read that the Zoroastrian covered a large part of the known world and numbered in the millions then I think it might be foolish not to consider the possibility that some could have been Israelites, especially considering they were essentially monotheistic. Even though astrology is strictly forbidden to them they might have accepted this as astronomy, which is well within the bounds of Judaism.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger forgiven said...

Founder of Zoroastrianism Zoroaster a religious teacher and prophet of ancient Persia. He could fit in with Daniel too.

Thanks for your Thoughts kc
Well taken.

Bless You

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Joe said...

I'm sort of with kc on this one.

Nevertheless, I am happy to read what people think they know.

bluecollar could be right.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Rose~ said...

Hey! I always show up late to the party!

Interesting post, forgiven. One thing is sure, they didn't show up until he was a toddler, so the nativity scenes are kind of silly. That is my two cents.

Why are guys so familiar with the Mud Hens? tell me.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger forgiven said...

Hi Joe
I know that my wisdow is worth less than half of a cent, but its fun to look into gray areas.

As always I thank you for your Wisdom

Bless You

At 11:42 AM, Blogger forgiven said...

Hi Rose

As far as the Mud hens go ...You have to ask Mark.... The Lord saved him thats for sure ...but this Obsession he has with the Mudhens is trouble. I little more regeneration is needed.

Rose blessed among my Sisters thank you for stopping by.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

Mud Hens? What? Is this a Yank thing?

Good historical post. Soa re they Jews or Gentiles? They may have been either, but that they were expecting a king suggests that they were Jewish.

On the other hand, you might argue that the Magi typify and symbolise the worship of Gentile kings and nations in the Millennium (and after).

Or if they be Jewish, you could argue they represent the gathering of the scattered Jewish diaspora from the east.

Every Blessing in Christ


At 6:35 PM, Blogger Jonathan Moorhead said...

"I know that my wisdow is worth less than half of a cent, but its fun to look into gray areas."

A man after mine own heart

At 7:11 PM, Blogger mark pierson said...

Who said anything about Mud Hens?

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Rose~ said...

Bluecollar, you said "Toledo" and forgiven said "Magi Mudders" so of course I thought we were back to the Mud Hens thing that you have mentioned several times, now. I don't get it! They're not the Cincinatti Reds or Detroit Tigers. How is it that you guys even heard of them?

At 9:53 PM, Blogger mark pierson said...

Doug and I live in Rochester, home of the Red Wings,you know, the team that always beats-up on the Mud Hens!

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Rose~ said...

That's funny. When I hear "Red Wings" I think of the great Hockey Club from Detroit.
(I am obviously not a huge sports fan and do not know all the teams the Mud Hens play, but I like going to a ballgame at the new baseball field we have in Downtown Toledo for the Mud Hens. It is beautiful.)

This is way (WAY!) off topic. Sorry, forgiven.

At 4:00 PM, Blogger forgiven said...


Non-Biblical Evidence

We may form a conjecture by non-Biblical evidence of a probable meaning to the word magoi. Herodotus (I, ci) is our authority for supposing that the Magi were the sacred caste of the Medes. They provided priests for Persia, and, regardless of dynastic vicissitudes, ever kept up their dominating religious influence.

I would say that they are Gentiles

Thanks Df

At 4:02 PM, Blogger forgiven said...

Thank For coming Jonathan

I see you like to dig in to and the Lord is so deep.

Bless you Brother

At 4:09 PM, Blogger forgiven said...

Thanks for stopping by Rose

Marks on vacation while his buddy is slaving at work right now ... not fare....Hi Pal

At 4:54 AM, Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

very interesting, can't say I have ever given this much thought but now you have provoked me into thinking, but I don't really know what I think yet, since I just started thinking so let me get back with you on this. heehee

At 12:52 PM, Blogger forgiven said...

The Blog Patrol

I'm Sorry I meant Sis In Christ.

The Verses are about Poeple that Forget Jesus ,Just like People are doing about Christmas today .
That was a good post you wrote Thank you


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